Rob Bushway is wondering if we aren't kidding ourselves about the weight and the mobliity of current Tablet PCs. Tracy Hooten is looking for a more mobile solution and has cobbled together a possible solution. Now James Kendrick, the ultimate OnTheGo Mobile Tableteer, has come up with his own solution using the Sony Vaio U-70.
He's written a great piece about how he can take this tiny device and turn it into a desktop in your pocket and as usual James has done a remarkable job laying out his options and how they work for him. This is a must read.
UPDATE: James informs me that this is a reprint of an article from a year and a half ago. Why is that interesting? That fact ties an interesting number of conversations together, and, IMHO, demonstrates not only how much smaller mobile solutions are needed and desired, but also how far we still have to go. Is UMPC/Origami the answer? I think the next several months are going to tell the tale on that.