Some Sunday morning reading to share.
One of many reasons why I think Web 2.0 and the move to advertising here, advertising there, advertising everywhere, is not really going to work in the long run. Two different "councils" are looking at what advertisers are getting for their money. One is for the web and the other for TV. All you have to do is look at the disgusting phenomenon of splogs and you have the answer.
They arrested two teens for the theft of the laptop that contained data on 26.5 million veterans. These guys didn't know what they had. Thank goodness.
The Deadly Dance of the Diplomats. You knew it was going to happen. Breaking news all day yesterday, that the US and France had come to an agreement on the wording of a resolution to end hostilities in Lebanon. Hooray! Then, desperate reports that the two sides were still shooting at each other. How could this be? Then, word this morning that Lebanon rejected the language. Oh, no! The only thing more predictable is a TV script. Give me a break. Diplomacy may be an art form, but it is a dying one.
Speaking of words... I've been waiting for Rabbi Marc Gellman to weigh in on the Mel Gibson story and he has. I'm not disappointed. Great reading on bigotry, words, and the void that is our media. File this one away and the next time you shake your head as to why there is hatred in the world, go back and read it.
And if you have an interest in looking behind the sensationalism of the headlines, here's some interesting reading on why Hezbollah has such support. Money talks. Bullshit walks.