Some Sunday morning reading to share.
Rabbi Marc Gellman's Rosh Hashana's wish inlcudes a war on conventional wisdom. Great reading. I hope lots of folks read this.
Colbert King's view from beyond the beltway in the silly season known as the run up to elections. He wishes politicians wouldn't be politicians, essentially, and fall all over themselves, and us, trying to get reelected. Snowball's chance in hell. Actually, a snowball as a better chance.
Xylophone Stairs? Check it out, although I think it would drive you nuts after the curiosity wears off. (Via Things That Make You Go...Hmm)
Remember the punter who got stabbed by his understudy? He's back and he booted a 58 yarder yesterday.
Kent Newsome ponders the Web 2.0-built on advertisting model that I stil believe is a flawed model. He threw me some link love, here's some right back. Navel gazers unite!
And the silliest thing I have ever seen. (Well, not really, but this weekend.) Robert Scoble (in a dress) dancing with Mike Arrington. Saturday Night Fever has nothing on these guys.