Some Sunday morning reading to share in our coral reef.
George Tenet's book, due out Monday and leaked like crazy this week, will certainly be a large topic of conversation. (NY Times review) Anybody but me get the feeling that no one believes what anybody says on these issues anymore?
Technology improves education and it apparently improves opportunities for cheaters. Looks like they are starting to ban iPods in schools for that reason.
Dave Winer on Twitter as a coral reef. Intriguing. But isn't it all a coral reef?
George Will on what looks like an interesting book: :The Worst Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl.
This week's debate proved (to me anyway) that I was right early on. Barack Obama ain't ready yet.
Jason Calacanis' Link Baiting meme this week proved to be both hilarious and ... um.... revealing. Check here to see who bit hook, line, and sinker.
Will wonders never cease. A woman was found partially submerged in her wrecked car two days after the accident sent her plunging into the water.
GBM colleague Rob Bushway has lit a little fire in the Tabletscape, wondering what happened to the "Wow." He's right.
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