I find the timing of some of tonight’s political events really, really intriguing. With hurricane Gustav possibly bearing down on the Gulf Coast and possibly New Orleans, the Republicans are saying they may postpone their convention next week. That sounds noble enough and I’d like to think the motives are pure. But….
First let me say, Heaven forbid that we have another natural disaster on the Gulf Coast. No one needs that.
But this possibility began to be raised shortly after, and I mean shortly after, excerpts from Obama’s speech begin circulating to the press and on the web.
Now, at this late hour, while I am still wired, I’m hearing talk of saying that they Republicans may be thinking of a smaller scale, more town meeting-like convention if they have to postpone.
The cynical old bastard that I am can’t help but think that the McCain campaign read the speech and are praying for an excuse to go small. Especially after Obama’s brilliant challenges that he issued tonight.