Some Sunday morning reading to share.
Apple gets a love letter about the App Store and the iPhone in The New York Times business section this week. No question Apple has changed the game (I took flack for saying that ages ago), and though the piece quotes some competitors and talks about some of the difficulties the App Store review process foists upon developers, it is still essentially a love letter. Merry Christmas.
Amazon is shopping for brick and mortar retail space in London? Very interesting.
The Gridiron Club is adapting its "off the record rules." What used to be behind closed doors, now gets Twittered.
A long piece on Obama's decision making about Afghanistan in the New York Times. Worth a read but I'm guessing it only scratches the surface of a very complex issue.
Not sure what to think about this whole Climategate thing. So much at stake, I can't imagine that this story is cut and dry, no matter how much folks want it to be on either side of the issue.
Print magazine publishers are working on bringing their content to Tablets. Of course in this day and age that means the mythical Apple Tablet. Seems like all those supposed touch screen tablets that already exist (or are really coming) aren't worthy of discussion on the topic. I doubt the publishers think that.
Louis Gray comes up with a series of badges to help make the FTC's disclosure rules clear for bloggers and blog readers. Too funny.