Some Sunday morning reading to share.
The Myth of a Techno-Utopia. Evgeny Morozov questions whether tech really is the answer to all situations, focusing on whether or not Twitter hurt or helped in the struggles in Iran and beyond.
The NY Times says that millions of unemployed face years without jobs. The two dirty little secrets that no one will ever tell you are this:
- Economically speaking, the current state of high unemployment is good for the bottom lines of many enterprises and there is no incentive to change that.
- Politically speaking, the Obama administration is on the ropes and there’s no reason to help them out by improving the employment picture.
Apple is on an anti-porn purge in the App Store. Actually it is an anti-titillation purge. Apparently there are new rules, but others wonder why Playboy’s app is still available.
The FCC is calling for 100mbps speeds for US broadband. Good luck.
David Pogue has an update on his VoiceMail crusade with the carriers. This from the guys who create the systems that basically put dough in the pockets of the carriers.
Chris Jones’ Esquire profile of Roger Ebert is an amazing read about an amazing man.
Cellphones going off in the theatre. And interesting read on how some are dealing with the issue.