It's Claude Rains award time again. The media and Twitter are alive with quotes about the secret tape that got published with Mitt Romney speaking to donors and saying this, among other things:
I'm not sure why all the outrage. Isn't this a mindset that we've already known Romney is for? It's just out in the open without code words. It may be a secret tape, but it ain't no secret to those who pay attention. No one has to read Ayn Rand anymore to figure out it. If Romney and his party had any guts at all they wouldn't backtrack from this. They'd call a spade a spade, and say: "OK, it's on."
But they can't and they won't. Because that would expose the game that both sides play. And like in magic, if you show off the trick, well, the audience loses interest.
And speaking of 47%. That's a mighty big number of folks. Last I looked that would contain all sorts of folks who pay taxes, got their 401Ks raided, fight for this country, teach your kids, build your roads, clean your teeth, and well, the list goes on.
And this guy is supposed to be a numbers guy.