It’s been quite some time but here is the return of some Sunday morning reading to share.
Fake Steve Jobs has some lovely posts about the flack that Snow Leopard is getting from some circles. Doe Snow Leopard = Vista? Read and find out here and here.
So, we’re all getting used to the fact that we were robbed blind by the bandits who control the financial industry. We’re slowly but surely coming around to the fact that we’re going to let the Insurance industry continue to kill us off one way or the other. Now comes word that Wall St. is looking at creating another product to sell that bundles life insurance polices together and bets on you and me dying off early. This just sounds like a bad idea. Unless you love industry controlled death panels.
Most say they are sure there is a similar list for Democrats, but I doubt it. Not because Democrats don’t have stupid beliefs, but because they could some how figure out a way to screw up even a list like this. So, take a read on Things Only a Republican Could Believe.
Remember Diebold? You know the company that got all mucked up with voting machines? Things got so bad they changed their name and now they are getting out of the e-Voting biz all together.
Scientists are creating music to help over wrought monkeys chill out. No, this is not about trying to get Glen Beck to calm down after all his advertisers left him.
The NFL is banning social networking before, during, and after games. Who knew that they only like the rabid followers who make fools of themselves in the stadiums and in bars.
The Arts are once again suffering when it comes to budget cutting in these fearful times. Everything has to get cut on some level these days. (Don’t I know it.) But you know what happens when you get rid of the story tellers or those would be the story tellers? You end up with TV.
And just a quick word on the Obama speech to school children: Numbskulls. For the sake of winning a fight and scoring a point, the idiots on all sides of this debate have forever excluded this or any future president from making a speech to school children again. It must feel really good to be on the thrill ride that is swirling around the toilet bowl waiting to be flushed into the sewers.
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